BackDesignblok Director Jana Zielinski in the finals of the TOP Czech Women
20. 1. 2016
Designblok Director Jana Zielinski was selected among the finalists of the prestigious daily Hospodarske noviny TOP 25 most significant women in the public sphere, which is compiled annually on the basis of nominations from readers and the jury.
Jana Zielinski, along with Jiří Macek for 17 years organizes and manages Designblok, Prague Design and Fashion Week, which is currently the largest exhibition of design and fashion in Central Europe. The award is confirmation of the influence of Designblok on Czech society. "The inclusion to the 25 most influential women in Czech take primarily as a tribute to our work in the field of promotion and support of Czech design, we've been working on for more than 17 years."
Besides the organization of the Designblok Jana Zielinski and Jiří Macek also the founder of Czech brand Křehký, producers of Czech Grand Design Awards, a major awards in the field of design in the Czech Republic. In 2015 they participated in the program project Plzen City of Culture 2015, for which they created DOMUS, exhibition presenting the work of 27 Czech and foreign designers. With Křehký they also attended the Milan week of design or Prague Days in Dublin.